Community insights for professionals just like you!
Launching a new online community is a monumental effort, often involving months of preparation. After... The post Don’t Let Your Community Lose Steam After Launch: 6 Tips to Keep the Momentum Going appeared first on Higher Logic.
Your online community is a direct line to what your customers want most from your... The post Managing Product Feedback in a Community: A Guide for Product Managers appeared first on Higher Logic.
You are attending a conference for your industry. A work group has convened to address... The post Continuing the Conversation: How to Bring Your Live Event Energy into Your Online Community appeared first on Higher Logic.
Scaling a community content program isn’t simple, but Anaplan’s approach has turned it into a... The post Making Content a Team Sport: Inside Anaplan’s Member-Driven Content Program with Ginger Anderson appeared first on Higher Logic.
Most communities face a frustrating truth: engagement fizzles out quickly for the majority of new... The post 3 Steps to Design a Community Engagement Plan appeared first on Higher Logic.
Good community managers know that the health of their community isn’t just about member count—it’s... The post Rallying the Quiet Ones: Strategies to Activate Lurkers in Your Online Community appeared first on Higher Logic.
The B2B sales game has changed. Today’s buyers don’t wait for account executives to guide... The post Close Deals Faster: Community Strategies to Speed Up Your B2B Sales Cycle appeared first on Higher Logic.
Thinking about migrating to a new online community platform? It’s a tempting idea—the promise of... The post 4 Ways to Prepare For Your Community Migration appeared first on Higher Logic.
High churn rates can look alarming at first glance. But a well-rounded understanding of who’s... The post Is Your Community Losing Members? How to Perform a Churn Analysis appeared first on Higher Logic.
I don't have any critiques myself since I think the solution is great, and a game-changer!
This is an example of a 'rules' discussion, laying out expected behaviour for new users who join the community. Customize it to suit your specific needs, or write your own rules completely from scratch! This community has been created so that you can exchange ideas, converse and meet others who share a common interest.…
Here are some tips and tricks for using this forum: * Use the reactions. These let you share how you feel about other’s comments. The most liked content shows up on the Best Of page. * Mention others. Put an @ symbol before the username to mention someone. They’ll get notified when you do. * Update your notification…
Thank you for starting new discussions and asking questions. The more you contribute, the better this forum becomes. Here are a few tips to help you create great discussions: * Make the discussion title or question as descriptive as possible. A good discussion title is a short preview of your post and is what gets people…
There's nothing sweeter than a fresh new forum, ready to welcome your community. A Vanilla Forum has all the bits and pieces you need to build an awesome discussion platform customized to your needs. Here are a few tips for you as the administrator: * Use the Getting Started checklist in the Dashboard to get your site…
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